江蘇年期促銷,克魯勃UNISILKON M2000 SPRAY潤滑劑,溫馨提示:來電請說明是在哪個商貿(mào)網(wǎng)站找到此信息!13631685879 高小姐Application
UNISILKON M 2000 Spray is a
special lubricant for machines and
installations in the food-processing
and textile industry.
UNISILKON M 2000 Spray
impregnates and protects rubber,
plastics and leather against
The silicone spray can be used for
demolding plastics and rubber,
preventing welding beads and
adhesion of plastics to welding
elements.以上是江蘇年期促銷,克魯勃UNISILKON M2000 SPRAY潤滑劑的詳細信息,如果您對江蘇年期促銷,克魯勃江蘇年期促銷,克魯勃UNISILKON M2000 SPRAY潤滑劑的價格、廠家、型號、圖片有什么疑問,請聯(lián)系我們獲取江蘇年期促銷,克魯勃UNISILKON M2000 SPRAY潤滑劑的最新信息。