直銷福斯RENOLIN ZAF 32 B液壓油
inc- and ash-free hydraulic oils have steadily gained popularity over the last few years. In many cases the use of a zinc-free hydraulic oil is a must, especially in machine tools where hydraulic oils can contaminate other functional fluids.
RENOLIN ZAF D hydraulic oils are zinc- and ash-free hydraulic oils with good detergent properties. The detergent agents in these oils reduce the formation of residues and ageing by-products.
They are HM hydraulic oils in line with ISO 6743-4 but with additional detergent and dispersant characteristics.
The most important features of RENOLIN ZAF D hydraulic oils are:
Good oxidation stability and good resistance to ageing
Powerful EP properties and very good wear protection
Excellent corrosion protection
Rapid air release and low foaming
Good sludge transportation and cleaning properties
Good compatibility with sealing materials
RENOLIN ZAF D products are high-grade HM hydraulic oils in line with ISO 6743-4 which can be used in all hydraulic systems but also as CKC lubricating oils in line with ISO 6743-6. RENOLIN ZAF D products contain additives which avoid the formation of residues and guarantee the functional reliability of machinery.